The question can a child become diaper dependent and make the problem worst and take longer to stop?
Wearing protection (diaper, Pull-Ups®)will not delay night control but, in fact, it may hasten control, because it reduces the stress that is caused by having night accidents. Furthermore, diaper allows a child to sleep throughout the night and staying dry and warm, which results giving your child a more restful sleep.
Without night protection, the body gets cold due to the evaporation. This results in a child not get adequate restful sleep. This causes the child to make up for it by sleeping longer in a deeper sleep cycle, Making less aware of the signal to go. Furthermore, when a child is in a wet bed and is cold while sleeping, it causes the child bladder to have pre-wave contraction before the bladder is full.
So the answer is NO it does not take longer to stop wetting using diapers. If anything it will shorten it, because it reduces stress about waking up in a wet bed, and also since, they are not sleeping longer in a deep sleep cycle, there is a higher chance of the signal urge to go will happen in a lighter sleep cycle, which may arouse the child to get up to go to the bathroom.
The following information on sleep was obtained at Kids Health
Toddlers sleep about 10 to 13 hours,
Preschoolers sleep about 10 to 12 hours,
Kids ages 6 to 9 need about 10 hours,
Children ages 10 to 12 need a little over 9 hours,
Adolescents need about 8 to 9.5 hours
Sleep deprivation adds up over time, so an hour less per night is like a full night without sleep by the end of the week. Among other things, sleep deprivation can lead to:
• decreased attentiveness
• decreased short-term memory
• inconsistent performance
• delayed response time
Children who don’t get adequate sleep. Will result in them sleeping longer in deep sleep cycle and therefore, have harder time listing to their body signals and be aroused to get up to go to the bathroom.
Steven F. Trimarco
Real Corporation
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Inquiring Minds Want to Know
with Dealing & Razing
Incontinence in Children
There Is NO DOUBT Incontinent Children Are High Maintenance In Managing Their Hygiene And Emotional Needs.
1) Parents STRESS with razing an incontinent child 😡?
2) Whether a parent should consider use of protection (Pull-Ups®/Diapers)?
a) Will protection help or hinder the child from gaining control?
b) Will, a child, become diaper dependent (Pull-Ups® are Diapers)?
3) What are the pros & cons of disposable diapers versus cloth diapers?
4) Dealing with Immaturity Issues on how affects razing an incontinent child?
5) Dealing with Motivation & Hygiene issues razing an incontinent child?
6) Dealing with Emotional & Physical issues of razing an incontinent child?
7) Dealing with Self-Esteem issues & Self-confidence issues with an incontinent child?
8) Dealing with traveling with an Incontinent child (TIPS)
9) ADHD and connection to Bedwetting?
10) What is the determining factor of the best economical product that meets child incontinent needs?
Free letter to help build your child build Self-Esteem & Be more responsible. ( Sent to the parent to give to a child)
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Kids like sleepovers. However, sometime don’t go because either, they are too afraid that their BIG secret will be discovered or their parents will not let them go in order to protect them from an embarrassing event!
Keeping a child healthy is the FIRST and biggest responsibility they have toward their son/daughter. Now relating to a child incontinence it's very important to maintaining good hygiene in order to keep them healthy!
More infoThere is so much misinformation and misunderstanding on this subject that the parent who never had this issue draws the wrong conclusion based on misinformation. The most common misconception they are just too lazy to get out of bed to go to the restroom, or they are doing it deliberately to get back at them making them do extra wash.