Incontinence is such a hard thing for adult and kids to deal with. However, adult are able to come in terms with their incontinence where most kids do not, due to the fact they are closer to an age of toddler than an adult, children feel bedwetting issue reflect on them more as being a little kid/baby than an adult.
Kids who have Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting) are less affected by the issue than a child who has both Nocturnal Enuresis and Diurnal (Daytime time wetting) issues due to the fact they need to wear protection (diaper, Pull-Ups®) in the daytime.
Bedwetting issues are not as important as how it can affect a child, which can last a lifetime! Kid's self-esteem, self-image, self-worth, and confidence is affected by the bedwetting issues, because this is an uncontrollable event in their lives, and they know toddler's master day and night control, and they have not. This leaves them feeling no better than a baby.
There is so much misunderstanding and misconceptions regarding the bedwetting issue's adult often end up giving well-meaning, but turns out to be bad advice. To simply ask a child to stop bedwetting at night is like asking an adult who snores at night not to snore. Now if an adult is not aware, they are snoring. How are they supposed to stop? Well, the same goes with a child who wets the bed at night.
Kids who are bedwetters are quite often shamed by adults to motivate them to stop or teased by family members and friends, which make things just worse due to the fact these additional stress causes even more accidents due to the fact of an immature nervous system. So they end up having the opposite effect, which leaves them with a poorer self-esteem and confidence in themselves.
Once again, incontinence is not the important issue but how it affects a child, which can last a life time!!
Steven F. Trimarco
📬 Request Form 📬
There Is NO DOUBT Incontinent Children Are High Maintenance In Managing Their Hygiene And Emotional Needs.
Adult\Parent\Gaurdian\Care Giver - STRESS 😡?
Maturity Issues & Helping a Child be More Responsible & Independent.
Motivational Guide
Health Issues - Hygiene, Bladder Irritants, Constipation & Encopresis (Soiling) Diaper Rashes Regarding Bedwetting.
ADHD & Bedwetting
Best Method in Diapering Techniques for an older child (No leaks)
a) Disposable
b) Flat Cloth
c) Best Self-Diapering Techniques.
Pros & Cons Disposable versus Cloth
Request what is the best product that meets your child Incontinent Needs
Meeting Childs Emotional & Physical Needs
Free letter to help build your child Self-Esteem & Be more responsible. ( Sent to the parent to give to a child)
All Information Is Private And Not Shared With Anyone!!
We Share Because We Care❕
Real Corporation
Kids like sleepovers. However, sometime don’t go because either, they are too afraid that their BIG secret will be discovered or their parents will not let them go in order to protect them from an embarrassing event!
Keeping a child healthy is the FIRST and biggest responsibility they have toward their son/daughter. Now relating to a child incontinence it's very important to maintaining good hygiene in order to keep them healthy!
More infoThere is so much misinformation and misunderstanding on this subject that the parent who never had this issue draws the wrong conclusion based on misinformation. The most common misconception they are just too lazy to get out of bed to go to the restroom, or they are doing it deliberately to get back at them making them do extra wash.