Parents Diapering checklist for Changing an Older Child

This article for those parents/caregivers, which their kids experience Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis (SNE) (Which a child had a long dry period ) with Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting) and Diurnal (Daytime time wetting) )  and reoccurred, and parents just got rusty.

Incontinent children are high maintenance! Especially the need to be diligent in maintaining good hygiene in order to keep them healthy, which requires multiple diaper changes throughout the day.

Although you will find incontinent children are high-maintenance. You will find parents of incontinent children have what parents of non-continent children don’t have and that the personal daily quality one on one unerupted time with them.

So, make the most of every diaper changing opportunity. It's a great time to interact, communicate, and learn about your baby, toddler, preteen, & teenager!

To maintain good hygiene, here is the general suggested times between diaper changes.

• Infants: every 1 ½ -2 hours
• Toddlers: every 2-3 hours
• Preschoolers: every 2-3 hours
• Preteen/teen: every 3-4 hours

Steps for Diaper changing older child.

1. Get all supplies ready (Should have a changing station with all supplies)
2. Practice good hygiene with wash hand & dry your hands
3. Put on rubber/latex gloves
4. Place child on clean diaper changer surface (Preferable a changing table)
5. Remove clothing and diaper
6. With a warm disposable towel or diaper wipe, with especially girls wipe from front to back, and with boys from back to front.
7. Place used diaper, wipes and gloves into a trash can one preferably foot activated receptacle.
8. Now next step put on a new, dry diaper and put the child's clothing back on.
9. If child assisted in the change by handling the wet diapers wipes etc. wash the child's hands and return them to the play area.
10. Clean and disinfect the diapering area using soap water and bleach water solution.
11. Don’t skip afterwards to wash and dry your hands.
12. Keep records in a journal of your child every diaper change on diaper chart; record all BM's on daily experience sheets.
Please note – for Adult & Parents\caregivers with non-incontinent children PLEASE don’t be so quick to judge parents with older incontinent children still diapering their older children beyond toddler stage are NOT just babying them and don’t want them to grow up. Now it is true there are some parents who don’t want their kids to grow-up. However, my experience running family incontinent support groups it is very rare. My experience has been maybe out of 100 maybe I will come across 2 or 3.

There are several things to consider if a child capable of properly handle their own hygiene.

1) Have they acquired the dexterity to change correctly without having leaks, which defeats the purpose of diapers catching accidents.

2) Have they developed enough self-discipline to follow the proper procedures every single time.

3) Mature enough to have proper judgment in order successfully maintain good hygiene preventing rashes and infections by changing on a timely manner.

Many Parents of incontinent children want to elevate this daily task of changing their older children. They are looking forward to when they can handle it on their own, which is good for their self-esteem and self-confidence. However, just because they have acquired the dexterity to diaper themselves does not mean they have acquired the maturity to handle it correctly.

This is far more complex issue when it comes to incontinent children managing their hygiene properly. To learn more about the maturity issue read article When should you grant a child more responsibility in managing their own incontinence?

Steven F. Trimarco
Real Corporation

📬 Request Form 📬
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Regarding Best Ways
With Dealing & Razing Incontinence in Children.

There Is NO DOUBT Incontinent Children Are High Maintenance In Managing Their Hygiene And Emotional Needs.

1) Parents STRESS with razing an incontinent child 😡?
2) Whether a parent should consider use of protection (Pull-Ups®/Diapers)?
a) Will protection help or hinder the child from gaining control?
b) Will, a child, become diaper dependent (Pull-Ups® are Diapers)?
3) What are the pros & cons of disposable diapers versus cloth diapers?
4) Dealing with Immaturity Issues on how affects razing an incontinent child?
5) Dealing with Motivation & Hygiene issues razing an incontinent child?
6) Dealing with Emotional & Physical issues of razing an incontinent child?
7) Dealing with Self-Esteem issues & Self-confidence issues with an incontinent child?
8) Dealing with traveling with an Incontinent child (TIPS)
9) ADHD and connection to Bedwetting?
10) What is the determining factor of the best economical product that meets child incontinent needs?
Free letter to help build your child build Self-Esteem & Be more responsible. ( Sent to the parent to give to a child)

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Incontinence affects all age from children, teeanger and adults 📢 Click hereHelpful letter providing great info and wisdom dealing with kids incontinence 🎎👪 👬 👪
📢 Click here ☛ ☛ 🕵️ Inquire about right product 🕵️ Inquire about resolving child behavior issue🕵️
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